
Monday, August 9, 2010

Discourse 7. Understanding Christ consciousness

Discourse 7. Understanding Christ consciousness

What is God?

Jesus: I am sure you are beginning to realize that the main point of these discourses is to encourage you to begin the process of attaining Christ consciousness. Because this is a very important goal, and because most people have been indoctrinated with various beliefs that are in direct opposition to that goal, I desire to give you a full and complete understanding of Christ consciousness.

To give you this understanding, we need to step back and consider how God created the world of form.
To a soul who is fully or partially engulfed by the carnal mind, God will inevitably seem like a mystery. Yet, as you begin to put on the Christ consciousness, the mystery starts fading until it is replaced by knowledge.

I am aware that it might be difficult for you to understand the following ideas. Therefore, I am asking you to please avoid making an outer judgment about the validity of these ideas. Do not allow your carnal mind to cause you to reject these ideas because they somehow go beyond or contradict an outer doctrine that you have come to accept as infallible. Instead, I am asking you to contemplate these ideas with an open mind and heart. Allow me to reveal the truth of these ideas directly in your own heart.

To a human being, it is often difficult to accept that God has both an impersonal and a personal aspect. Most people see God as a being who is far removed from them. Therefore, they tend to think that God has no personality or individuality. This idea is both correct and incorrect at the same time.

Let us consider the question: “What is God?”
In the ultimate sense, God is a state of pure being. This state of pure being has no form, no expression, no individuality or personality. It is virtually impossible to describe this pure being through the words and concepts found in the material universe. Many spiritual teachings have described this state of God as “the void” in an attempt to indicate that you cannot project material images onto God. God is beyond any words or images found in this world. That is one reason why the carnal mind, which thinks in the words and images of this world, cannot fathom God.
One might say that the pure being of God simply is. And that is all that can be said about it.

The state of pure being is formless. You live in a world in which everything has some kind of form, and I call it “the world of form.” The state of pure being did not create the world a form. This world was created by another aspect of God which one might call “the creator.”

The creator is a being who is conscious of its own existence and of its ability to create. I have already said that in order to create you must be able to make choices. God has unlimited imagination, and before creating the world a form, God could imagine an infinite variety of options. Why did God choose to create this world and not one of the many other options? Why is this world designed the way it is, and not some other way?

The answer is that the Creator designed the world the way it is because God simply expressed its individuality. The God who acts as the creator is different from the impersonal aspect of pure being. The creator is an individualization of the state of pure being. This does not mean that God has a personality that resembles the personality of a human being. It is important that you do not try to reason backwards and project human qualities onto God. Yet, it does mean that God has individuality, and it is this individuality that you see expressed in the world of form in which you live.

When God started the creative process, God said: “Let there be light.” During this process, the Creator extracted from the state of pure being a substance, namely light, that could be molded into any conceivable form. This light was not fundamentally different from pure being. Pure being is a form of consciousness. The Creator is a form of consciousness. Therefore, the light of God is also a form of consciousness, a state of being.

What we now see is that the entire world of form is the result of an interaction between two beings or two expressions of the consciousness of God. You might notice that up until this point I have not attached a gender to God. The state of pure being is beyond all divisions or classifications. Therefore, it is meaningless to say that the state of pure being has gender.

The Creator is an active state of consciousness and it acts upon the passive element which I have called light.
The most simple, yet beautiful, illustration of this polarity between an active and a passive element is a symbol found in the religion of Taoism. This symbol is called the Tai-Chi. It depicts two elements, a yang, active or male element and a yin, passive or feminine element. It is the interaction between these two elements that gives rise to the entire world of form.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, people have traditionally attached the male gender to God. In reality, God is both male and female. One might say that the creator is the Father and that light is the Mother. Therefore, the world is created by the Father-Mother God.

God has individuality

I earlier said that the Creator, the Father God, has individuality. The Mother God also has individuality. Therefore, the Father-Mother God can be perceived as two spiritual beings with consciousness and individuality. Therefore, the world of form was created by two spiritual beings. These beings are described in the Bible as Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.

Alpha and Omega are the two highest individualizations of God. They started the process of creating the world of form, but they have not personally created everything in the world of form. Alpha and Omega set the basic matrix for the world, and this matrix is a hierarchical structure with numerous levels. I have earlier described this as a continuum of vibrations. The continuum can be divided into a series of octaves or spheres. You might visualize this as a series of concentric spheres that radiate from the very center of being. I am not saying this visualization is entirely accurate, but no material image can accurately describe God’s creation.

At the center of creation is a sphere in which Alpha and Omega reside. They are not the only spiritual beings in that sphere, because Alpha and Omega created other spiritual beings. One might say that the Father-Mother God created sons and daughters of God.

Beyond the central sphere is a number of other spheres that stretch all the way from the center of being to the material universe in which you live. The central sphere is created from light of a very high vibration. As you travel away from the center, you travel into spheres that are created from light of successively lower vibrations.

Each sphere is inhabited by a number of spiritual beings. Each of these spiritual beings is created in the image and likeness of God. In other words, each of the spiritual beings in God’s creation has consciousness, individuality and the ability to create. Each being has a unique individuality, and one might say that the very purpose of life is to express that individuality by creating part of God’s creation.

The image I am trying to communicate is that the entire world of form was not created by one being. The beings at each level act as co-creators and help create their particular world. In the process of helping to create their world, these beings also help create or build their own individuality.

On earth, children might have many similarities with their parents, but they are still unique individuals. Therefore, children might decide to travel away from their childhood home. This is also the case in the spiritual worlds. The beings at each level produce spiritual children. Some of these children choose to leave their native world and travel into other spheres. A soul can travel in both directions. It can choose to ascend to a higher sphere, or it might descend to a lower sphere to experience life at that level of God’s creation.

The spiritual hierarchy

What I am trying to make you understand here is that the world of form is created by a hierarchy of spiritual beings who are conscious of their own existence and of their ability to create. How does this relate to you?

You might look at yourself as a mortal human being who is somehow separated from God. In reality, you are a spiritual being who is a part of the hierarchy of spiritual beings that leads all the way back to the highest spiritual beings, namely Alpha and Omega. Your soul was created as part of this hierarchical chain. In one sense, you are the offspring of Alpha and Omega. Yet your soul was not necessarily created directly by Alpha and Omega. Most souls on earth were created by spiritual beings at one of the other levels of the spiritual world.

A newly created soul can be likened unto a child who does not fully know itself or its creative potential. Therefore, when your soul was first created, you saw yourself as the offspring of your spiritual parents, but you did not see that your spiritual parents were the offspring of Alpha and Omega. In other words, you did not realize that you are part of a chain that goes all the way back to God. You did not realize that you are a son or daughter of God.

It is not God’s intention, nor is it the intention of your spiritual parents, that your soul should forever remain in ignorance of your true identity. It is God’s intention that your soul should gradually build a sense of identity as being an individualization of God. How can a soul build this sense of identity? It can do so only by perceiving a direct connection between itself and God.

How can a soul see a direct connection between itself and the highest expression of God? It can do so only by looking beyond the level of the world of form at which it is created. What gives the soul the ability to look beyond any aspect of the world form and see that, regardless of the outer appearances, everything is created from the essence of God? The soul can do this only through the Christ consciousness.

The only begotten son

The universal Christ consciousness is the only begotten son of the Father-Mother God. It is called the only begotten son because it alone knows its heritage. In other words, the Christ consciousness can see that anything in the world of form is simply an expression of the deeper reality of God. The Christ consciousness can see beyond any outer appearance. It can even see beyond the world of form and perceive the state of pure being.

The Christ consciousness is a universal state of consciousness. By that I mean that it is not individualized. It is individualized only when a spiritual being (a son or daughter of God) makes a free-will decision to unite with that Christ mind and thereby come to a full recognition of its spiritual identity and origin.

Alpha and Omega personally created a number of spiritual beings. Even these spiritual beings were not created in the fullness of the Christ consciousness. They had to go through a gradual process of putting on that Christ consciousness. Yet, for a spiritual being created by the highest individualizations of God, putting on Christ consciousness is not a difficult process. Still, such a spiritual being must make a choice to put on the Christ consciousness.

Obviously, as you move to the lower levels of the spiritual world, the souls created at those levels have to go through a more difficult process to put on their individual Christ consciousness. Yet, any soul created at any level has the capacity to put on the full measure of Christ consciousness.

In the image and likeness of God

Any soul, any spiritual being, is created in the image and likeness of God, meaning that it is given free will and the ability to imagine and create. Obviously, a new and inexperienced soul does not have the full creative abilities of Alpha and Omega. If it did, it could literally wipe out the entire universe by thinking one wrong thought.

Therefore, a new soul must go through a process whereby it gradually grows in understanding and maturity. The soul learns to express its individuality in a way that is not destructive to itself or other beings in God’s creation. As a soul goes through this process, its creative abilities will be increased. As a soul shows itself to be faithful over a few things, God will make it ruler over many things.

This process is a path whereby the soul puts on the Christ consciousness and eventually comes to a full realization that it is a son or daughter of the most high God. When that state of consciousness is achieved, the universal Christ consciousness has become individualized through that soul’s union with the universal Christ mind.

The point of telling you this long story is to make you realize that the material universe was not created by the highest individualization of God. It was created by certain representatives of God. The Bible states that the earth was created by Elohim. In the original Hebrew, Elohim is a plural word.

In other words, a number of spiritual beings (seven to be exact), created planet earth. However, the Elohim did not finish the creation of this planet (in God’s ever-expanding creation, nothing is ever finished). They created planet earth only as a platform.

A number of spiritual beings, what you would call human beings, decided to descend to planet earth and take on human bodies. Originally, these spiritual beings were meant to be co-creators with Elohim. In other words, they were meant to continue the creation of this planet and to fill in the details of the larger picture created by Elohim. The inhabitants of earth are meant to be part of a hierarchy of spiritual beings leading all the way back to Alpha and Omega.

For a long time, the inhabitants of earth did in fact fill their place in the chain of being. They made a sincere effort to attain Christhood, and they used their creative abilities in accordance with the laws of God. Therefore, Planet earth was a shining star in the firmament of God’s beings.
Then came the fall, and things began to change.

Knowing your true identity

Through the Christ consciousness, a person will recognize his or her identity. Through the Christ consciousness, a person will gain a direct perception of the laws and principles that God used to create a sustainable universe that will not self-destruct. Therefore, that person can co-create with God in such a way that he or she will not self-destruct. If enough people strive for Christ consciousness, humankind will not self-destruct.

When you know your spiritual origin and when you know the laws of God, you have the perfect foundation for expressing your individuality in a safe environment in which you will not destroy yourself or your spiritual brothers and sisters. Likewise, you will not destroy the material platform created by your spiritual parents.

It is essential for you to realize that knowing and following the laws of God is not a restriction of your individuality or of your creative expression. Knowing your true identity is the very key to expressing your individuality. Right now, you might identify yourself as a being with many human characteristics. In reality, you are far more than both the physical body and the outer personality.

Behind this outer facade is an incredibly beautiful spiritual being. Your spiritual being was created by a set of spiritual parents who imagined nothing but beauty and perfection. Your spiritual parents gave you a unique individuality. You are different from any other spiritual being in the world of form. And I can tell you that there are numberless numbers of spiritual beings inhabiting the world of form. Yet, in this myriad of spiritual beings you have a unique individuality. You can bring forth a facet of God that no other spiritual being could possibly bring forth. You can bring a gift to planet earth that no one else could possibly bring.

I sincerely hope that these words will inspire you to look beyond the outer disguise of the physical body and the human personality. I hope I can inspire you to look beyond even the carnal mind itself. I hope I can inspire you to start putting on your individual Christ consciousness so that you can see the divine individuality that you truly are.

Please understand that your true individuality is not something that is set in stone. Your spiritual parents created you, but they did not complete the creative process. It is up to you to finish the process (although the process might never be finished) of building your individuality. Your spiritual parents simply gave you a starting point. It is up to you to decide how you will continue to form your individuality as a spiritual being with the potential to become all that God is.

I am aware that to some Christians these ideas will seem like blasphemy. When I walked the earth 2,000 years ago, the Jewish church itself imposed capital punishment upon anyone who dared to compare himself to God or to say that he was the offspring of God. Yet, the Bible itself contains the statement: “Ye are Gods.” I repeated that statement on several occasions. The Bible itself also contains the statement: “Without him was not anything made that was made.”

Simply consider the question: “How could God possible create something that was different from himself? In the ultimate sense, God is what I called the state of pure being. This state of being is all there is. The state of pure being does not have form. Therefore, it does not have any limitations in time or space. It is meaningless to talk about time, space or any other form of limitation when you are talking about the state of pure being. It isn’t this or that; it simply is.

In other words, there is nothing that is outside of or different from the state of pure being. Even if the original creator wanted to create something that was different from itself, it simply could not do so. It is not possible to create something that is not made from God’s substance.

It is possible to create something that is different from God’s original vision and intention for this particular universe. It is possible to create something that is not in accord with the laws of God. Therefore, that something might appear to be different from God or separated from God. This is precisely what happened on planet earth.

Human beings, or rather spiritual beings, were originally designed to be co-creators with God. When human beings fell into a lower state of consciousness, that original design was not altered.

You are a co-creator

How do you co-create? You create because your soul is constantly receiving a stream of energy from the spiritual world. You create by qualifying this spiritual energy through the images that you allow your conscious attention to dwell upon. In other words, the pure spiritual energy of God takes on the form of any image that you hold in your mind. Therefore, you are constantly creating.

If you focus your mind on the perfection of God and the laws of God, you will create within the framework of God laws. Therefore, your creation will be sustainable, and it will not self-destruct. It will also be an individualized expression of the perfection of God. If you allow your mind to dwell upon imperfect images, then you will begin to create imperfection.

Before the fall, the earth was a very different place than what you see today. Everything on this earth was an expression of the perfection of God. Everything was pure, and everything was beautiful. There was no such thing as poverty, disease, starvation, suffering or any of the other limitations you see today. The beings that inhabited planet earth before the fall did not treat each other the way human beings treat each other. There were no wars, and there was no crime. There was only beauty and perfection.

After the fall, a large number of spiritual beings lost the direct perception of God laws. Because these beings could not stop co-creating, they inevitably began to create in a way that was not in accordance with God’s laws. Therefore, they brought forth imperfect forms.

I earlier stated that God did not create the misery and suffering found on earth. Human beings created it all. They did so because they lost their sense of identity.

The only way to know God’s laws, the only way to start creating perfection instead of imperfection, is to attain Christ consciousness. Christ consciousness is literally the only solution to the problems found on planet earth.

When I appeared 2,000 years ago, I came to bring the very message that I have just given you. I was somewhat limited by the state of consciousness found on the planet in those dark days. Yet, I did bring forth essentially the same message that I am giving you today. It was expressed in different words, and I used parables and stories adapted to the culture in which I appeared. Nevertheless, it was the same message.

Let those who have ears hear. Let those who have eyes see. Let those who have a measure of Christ consciousness recognize the truth in my inner teachings that has now become, for the first time in human history, the outer teachings. Let those who have a love for me absorb my teachings as the bread of life broken for you. Let them water the seed, the Christ consciousness, that I have personally planted in their souls.

When I walked the earth, it was dangerous to express the teachings I am giving you here. It was dangerous for people to follow those teachings. You could be nailed to a wooden cross or burned by the stake for daring to say that you are a son or daughter of God.

In the past 2,000 years, there have been periods where it was still dangerous to openly strive for Christ consciousness. Ironically, the very church that claims to be the church of Jesus Christ has at times persecuted those who dared to follow my true teachings. Fortunately, times have changed.

You will no longer be nailed to a wooden cross or burned by the stake for being a true follower of the true teachings of the true Jesus Christ.
Dare to follow my teachings.

Some people might persecute you in various ways. They might rail against you and accuse you falsely for my sake. Nevertheless, what is that to thee; follow thou me into the Christ consciousness.

I am the Good Shepherd, and I am here to call my flock home. My sheep know my voice. Dare to recognize my voice and dare to recognize yourself as one of my flock.

If you love me, keep my commandments. The only commandment I ever gave was to be who you truly are; to be a Christed one in embodiment.
Dare to be all that I am.

Dare to follow my example and put on your individual Christhood.
I am Jesus Christ, and I am an individualization of the most high God.
You are an individualization of the most high God.
I recognize and acknowledge who I am.
You do not yet recognize and acknowledge who you are.
Yet, the only difference between you and me is a decision.
I have made that decision; you have not yet made that decision.
Will you make that decision now, or will you continue to procrastinate?
Will you choose to be, or will you choose not to be?

The only possible solution to human problems

Beloved hearts, to explain why I am pleading with you to make the decision to seek Christ consciousness, let me summarize what we have looked at so far.

We have seen that God has not created the current state of suffering, limitation and misery found on planet earth. Instead, human beings have created their own situation.

We have seen that there is only one possible solution to the problems found on planet earth. That solution is the Christ consciousness.

I have told you about the universal Christ consciousness. Yet, the solution to the problems of earth is not the universal Christ consciousness. The reason being that the universal Christ consciousness simply cannot enter this world.

God has created the law of free will, and no being in heaven will ever violate the free will of human beings. Therefore, the cosmic Christ consciousness itself simply cannot act in this world.

As a result, the key to changing the current situation on planet earth is not the universal Christ consciousness, but the individualized Christ consciousness. When I walked the earth, I expressed my individualized Christ consciousness in this world. I was, quite literally, the light of the world. It is true that I was completely united with the universal Christ consciousness. Yet, I still was not expressing the universal Christ mind. I was expressing my individualized Christ mind.

The essential point is that you cannot expect some spiritual force from heaven to suddenly descend and solve all of the problems on earth. You cannot expect that God or myself will suddenly appear in the sky and whisk away all of humankind’s problems.
This simply will not happen.

God can indeed solve all of the problems on earth, but God can only do so through his sons and daughters. God can only bring about change if you decide to be the instrument for bringing about change by putting on your personal Christhood.

When you consider the impact that my short mission has had on this planet, I think you can see the potential impact of thousands of Christed beings walking the earth.

I hold a very high and beautiful vision for this planet.
I hold the vision of 10,000 Christed beings in physical embodiment. I desire to give you a glimpse of my vision.

I see a large-scale and dramatic change in people’s consciousness. I see a large-scale awakening, whereby millions upon millions of people will come to a realization and a conscious acceptance of the spiritual side to life, their spiritual identity and their spiritual potential.

I see a vision of millions of people recognizing their potential to put on Christ consciousness. I see them making the conscious decision to put on that Christ consciousness and to engage in the spiritual path that will lead them to that goal.

I see the potential for a golden age of progress, peace and growth that will turn this planet into a bright star, as opposed to the dark star it is today.

However, I also see that for this to happen, people must have examples to follow. My example took place too long ago. Furthermore, the intense cult of idolatry built around the outer person of Jesus Christ makes it very difficult for people to identify with me and to see me as an example.
That is why I need you.

The call for 10,000 christed ones

I know that 10,000 people are prepared at inner levels to attain the full measure of Christ consciousness in this lifetime. Most of these people volunteered for this mission before they came into embodiment. Most of these people have not yet come to a conscious realization of their mission.

However, if those 10,000 people receive these teachings and accept my message, they can quickly rise to a high level of Christ consciousness. Thereby, they can become the shining examples that millions of other people can follow.

Most of these 10,000 souls have already attained a high level of Christ consciousness at inner levels. They simply need to come to a conscious acceptance of their inner attainment. Therefore, many of these people have the potential to go through a very swift and dramatic transformation from their current level of consciousness to a high degree of Christhood.

I can assure you that if 10,000 people manifested a high level of Christ consciousness and continued towards the full Christ consciousness, you would begin to see some very dramatic changes on planet earth.

I also know that millions of people are prepared at inner levels to come to a conscious acceptance of their potential to become the Christ. These people have already attained a certain level of Christ consciousness. They still have a ways to go to attain the full measure, but if they will make a sincere effort, it can be attained in this lifetime. I can assure you that if these millions of people were to receive these teachings, they would make an immense contribution to the positive change on planet earth.

If 10,000 people were to accept their Christhood, and if millions more were to accept the potential for Christhood, planet earth would never be the same. You would literally see so many changes within a few decades that the concept of future shock would take on an entirely new meaning.
As a result of such an awakening, the vast majority of humankind would rise above their current consciousness of materialism, hopelessness and despair.

People would recognize the spiritual side to life.
People would gain hope from seeing the dramatic changes that would begin to occur.
People would gain a new sense of meaning and purpose.
They would realize that life is not something that is forced upon them, nor is it some form of punishment from an angry God.
Life is a miracle.
Life is a gift.
Life is an opportunity for growth.
Life is an opportunity to express your God-given individuality.
Life is pure joy.

My vision for earth

My beloved hearts, if you will make an effort to still the outer mind and emotions and to go deeply within your heart, I will show you at least a portion of the vision I hold for this planet. Were you to see even a glimpse of this vision, you would be so uplifted that your life would never be the same. You would realize that God has a solution for every problem on earth. You would realize that God is ready to bring forth that solution as soon as some people raise their level of consciousness so that they can be the open door through which that solution can be brought into the material world.

Furthermore, you would realize that you have the potential to become the open door through which God can bring forth one or several solutions to problems that human beings currently consider to be insoluble.
You cannot tell me that this would not make you excited. I know you, I know your soul at inner levels, and I know you have a deep inner desire to see positive change on planet earth.

My beloved heart, if you are reading these words, you are one of my flock. You are one of my servants. You are one of my brothers and sisters in spirit. You are already working with me at inner levels. However, I can do so much more for you and for humankind through you if you will consciously realize your divine origin and your potential to manifest Christhood.

There is almost no limit to what I could do for this planet, if I had 10,000 Christed beings in embodiment and millions of people who were sincerely striving to become Christed beings.

However, we must start somewhere. Everything begins with one person who decides to raise his or her consciousness. If you desire to help bring about my vision, you must begin with the only place you could possibly begin, namely by changing yourself. Make an effort to turn the dial of consciousness so that you can hear me speak to you in the stillness of your heart. I will show you, measure for measure, your personal path to Christhood.

This is not an empty promise.
If you will listen with an open mind and heart, you will hear my voice. You will know that it is indeed I, your brother of light Jesus Christ, who is speaking to you. If you can recognize my voice through these teachings, you can recognize my voice in your own heart.
Dare to listen.
Dare to be.

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